İSAR İhtisas Konuşmaları 14

11 July 2018

Bülten Yazısı

Dr. Asim Islam gave such a remarkable lecture entitled “Quantum Brain Dynamics and Duality” at ISAR. His research subject aims to explore the little-known brain faculties from both quantum physical and Islamic theological approaches. Dr. Islam in this lecture disclosed the astonishing reality of our brain potential by addressing the ongoing debate in the field of quantum physics, and subsequently tried to share the accumulated knowledge of the reality of brain which Muslim scholars have achieved over centuries.It is enlightening that recent scientists have many consensuses with Muslim theologians regarding the reality of brain faculties. The Qur’ān, as Dr. Islam explained, which was revealed more

than 14 centuries ago already prescribed the knowledge of brain, spirit, soul, and consciousness. This mysterious area of research is undoubtedly linked with the divine knowledge, and thus theologians would also have the heavy responsibility to reveal the brain faculties by collaborating with scientists.

Dr. Islam’s unique project over religion and science is funded by John Templeton Foundation, and this area of study is certainly becoming a topic of great interests since we witness the present development of the artificial intelligence. There are still many things to be studied in this project.