The Uzbek Sufi Lodge

16 November 2014

ISAR has been using the Özbekler Tekkesi (the Uzbek Sufi Lodge) as a specialized center for studies. Our students who have successfully completed the ISAR basic education program and started specialized program are taught in the Özbekler Tekkesi. At the level of specialization, it is aimed to transform the knowledge gained in the basic education program into research. In this framework, students are encouraged to take field-based courses and to conduct extensive research around these courses in a comparative perspective between the past and the present.

The workshops and reading groups held at the Specialization Center enable the students of all levels who share similar academic interests to form circles around notable scholars. Besides, the Özbekler Tekkesi is a place where various courses and activities have taken place including İSAR Thesis Presentations, Özbekler Tekkesi Talks, and Maktubat circle.